Monday, August 07, 2006

Promotion Treat

The ladies in the office planned the dinner tonight. Two weeks ago, they wanted to go Swensen. But, I had an appointment to see a movie back then. Today, I was free to accompany them. The location to go was Lemon Grass Thai Restaurant at Heeren. Thai food wass a good choice for a change of food. Kim and I arrived earlier, as we knocked off at an earlier time. The dishes were pre-selected using the website and Kim took out a list to read out to the waitress. Haha. The titbits was a good appetitzer. We finished a whole basket before the rest joined us.

The dishes were served one after another and the thai waitresses were providing good services. As we were feasting, Cat was unlucky to have a stomach upset. I am her lucky star, as I got the medicine to cure it. It's my habit to carry some medicine with me. She felt better after consuming one tablet. Shortly after, we headed to Swensen to have Earth-quake ice cream for dessert. Our manager footed all the bills. Congrats to her promotion as our senior manager.


Dalicia said...

Congratulations to her! :) WOW..what a treat...Is that how the food look like?

Richie said...

It is suppose to look like those. Haha. But, we ordered other dishes. But, the Tom Yam soup makes my stomach upset.